Sunday, March 16, 2014


I started the nasturtiums today.  So far, everything seems to be germinating beautifully except OF COURSE the Ground Cherries....yet again...I have never had one successful germination from those darn seeds!!  I guess it's time to start thinking about what will go in the garden in their place.  Right now, I'm facing two major issues:
1.  Kohlrabi is supposed to be started direct in the ground at about this time, but the ground is no good yet.  I guess we play the waiting game and see when I can work the soil.  I hate getting a late start!
2.  I started all my seeds in one big flat, this is the first time I've tried this.  I'm going to transplant them to seedling trays with their own spots when they get their first set of true leaves.  Unfortunately, the tomatoes have grown leaps and bounds, while the other seeds are still really tiny.  The tomatoes are pressing against the plastic dome while all the others still need that moisture.  I don't want to stunt or damage my tomato plants by leaving the dome on, but I also don't want to risk the tiny seedlings by removing that extra moisture.  I'm afraid of trying to transplant the tomato plants when they are so small....  Any ideas?

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