After ripping out the diseased plants, we put in seeds for plants that should not be affected by wilt (basically no squash, melons, tomatoes, or peppers). We stuck in some leeks, lima beans, green beans, and lettuce. We still have one cucumber plant (on the right) hanging on and producing – we got 3 cucumbers yesterday. We also have one crenshaw melon plant (on the left) that is trying to produce something, so fingers crossed it can pull through. The peppers are struggling. We have only had a few hot peppers and no sweet peppers. The plants just seem to be burning or just failing to thrive, I’m not sure which. We have also had something going on with a few of the strawberry plants where they seem to get burnt and dry up even though we give them water. Thankfully it hasn’t been many – mainly confined to one bed, but it’s still disturbing.
The second seeding of peas is poking up, which is exciting. We are currently harvesting cucumbers, green beans, carrots, onions, and raspberries. We are about to harvest watermelon! I was watering last night – admiring my stylish pantyhose slings that are supporting the vertical melons as you can see on the right – when I was startled to find a bowling ball sized melon hiding underneath the vines on the garden bed floor! I love how the garden can surprise you like that! Of course, I’m afraid of picking it too early now. I know they say to pick it when it sounds hollow, but they always sound hollow to me, so I’ll give it a little more time. We have lima bean pods filling up and the dry beans have been producing a lot of pods. However, the garden still only produces enough to supplement what we eat instead of being a main portion, which is a little disappointing considering how much we planted. The potato plants are dying off which means they will be ready for harvest soon. The cauliflower (left) doesn’t seem to want to produce. We got these plants to grow big and beautiful but no head! Not sure why… We decided to harvest some carrots and the onions from the raised beds and felt like we had entered a miniature world. The carrots were all about as fat around as an adult thumb and probably just about that length! Then, the onions were about the size of ping pong balls. I had been skeptical about these two plants since the space is so limited in the beds and I really am not sure what the Square Foot Gardening author was thinking when he said we could grow these. Lesson learned! From now on, root veggies will not be grown in the beds (we’ll see what the potatoes did). The tomatoes are starting to turn red and the plants are taller than me! As you can see in the photo below which shows the main tomato and lima bean bed, the garden is starting to feel more like a jungle each day, but I can’t say that I mind – better a jungle than a desert!
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