Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gardening in Progress

June in the garden has caused the cucumbers to go INSANE as you can see!  We finally got our clip_image002big supports put in place for the melons, cucumbers, and tomatoes.  Jacob had to do some metal bending with one of his many tools to get them into the shape recommended by the Square Foot Garden book.  That book also recommends nylon netting for the plants to grow up, which we couldn’t find anywhere.  So we checked out plastic netting but in the garden section nothing was big and strong enough, so we wandered through Home Depot and found snow fencing.  Unfortunately, it’s bright orange, but it is strong, big and will work for us this year.  We put them up with plastic ties and the plants are happy.  I said we should name our garden the “315 Garden” since all the clip_image002[5]construction is taking place on that particular highway now and both have the unfortunate orange colors.  We harvested our first very large pickling cucumber and will be picking some more today I’m sure.  All of the spinach has bolted and the drying beans still only have one successful plant.  We went out and bought the only drying bean seeds we could find which are close to cannellini beans (we think) but the actual beans are somewhat of a mystery because the people tried to look them up at Oakland Nursery and every bit of information that came up on them was in another language.  But we are desperate because we’ve gone through the Appaloosa seeds, so we’ll give these a try.

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